Ceramir Crown & Bridge QuikMix Liquid Refill
Ceramir Crown & Bridge QuikMix Liquid Refill
Ceramir Crown & Bridge QuikMix Liquid Refill
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Additional information
Ceramir Crown & Bridge is a natural and biocompatible, bioceramic cement intended for conventional permanent cementation. It is suitable for any high strength prosthetic material, zirconia, lithium disilicate, metals etc. As the material integrates with the tooth structure it create a permanent seal which minimizes the risk of secondary decay.
In addition, Ceramir Crown & Bridge have great handling features like a generous working time and easy removal of excess cement.The main component in the powder is calcium aluminate and the liquid, water. Ceramir Crown & Bridge cement is hydrophilic and handles well in moist environments and the viscoelastic consistency helps the crown easily slip into place. The cement is permanent, radiopaque, and self-setting. It hardens as a result of a chemical reaction.
Intended use for permanent cementation of:
- Metal and porcelain fused to metal crowns and bridges
- Gold inlays and onlays
- Cast or prefabricated metal posts
- High-strength ceramic crowns and bridges suitable for conventional cementation (e. g. zirconia, alumina, and lithium disilicate).
Reasons to use Ceramir® Crown & Bridge
• Natural & Biocompatible – A cement with a structure very close to natural teeth.
• Permanent & Stable – Minimizes the risk of secondary decay – integrates with tooth structure to create permanent seal.
• Saves Time & Money - No need for any extra material or pre-treatment.
• Five-year in vivo calcium aluminate study proves biocompatibility*
• Low risk of post-op sensitivity**
*A five-year retrospective clinical study of calcium-aluminate in retrograde endodontics. L. KRAFT, et al., J Dent Res 2008 Abstr #1333, Vol. 88 Special Issue B.
**No cement related post-op sensitivity was reported in clinical trials, handling evaluations or post market surveillance among more than 25,000 patients.
Ceramir® Crown & Bridge QuikCap
Ceramir Crown & Bridge QuikCap is a bioceramic dental cement, supplied in a capsule for mixing and direct application.
When using QuikCap capsule, a capsule applicator and mixing device are required. We recommend Ceramir Applicator 2.
Ceramir® Crown & Bridge QuikMix
Ceramir Crown & Bridge QuikMix is a hand mixed bioceramic dental cement. The powder is supplied separately in a jar and the liquid is supplied in a drop bottle. Contains a scoop for powder dosing and a non-absorbing mixing pad.
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